Saturday, January 19, 2008


3. Range Rover Sport. After a massive snow flurry that left a good dusting on the streets of Atlanta's northern suburbs, the counties promptly canceled school for the day and proclaimed a snow day. Unfortunate for all the little children who eagerly bundled up to make morning snowmen, the temperature never dropped below freezing, the snow turned to rain, and the snow was gone by morning. It was more of a 'snow evening' than a 'snow day.'

All this excitement did remind me of one of my favorite vehicles that is impractical enough to be on the wish list as a 'probably won't ever happen unless I move somewhere that actually snows.' The Range Rover Sport makes the list on account of my brief but very impressive encounter of New York roads impassable by anything else but the truly capable. Like a sports car that shows its true capability when outmaneuvering normal cars, the Range Rover really impresses when everything else gets stuck. It is expensive, has questionable reliability, gets terrible gas mileage, and is the antithesis of my MINI. But it makes this list because it is just gorgeous, really great in rough weather, and nicely imposing in fair weather.

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